Displaying 1 - 10 of 57 results
Hand Hygiene information for childrenInformation from organisations including the Ministry of Health, on hand hygiene practices for staff and children in schools.
International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) resources: Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC)ACIPC resources for International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) 2024.
Infection prevention and youQuicklinks to resources on the 'Infection prevention and you' website.
Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry Annual Report 2024The Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry Annual Report 2024 was released in September 2024.
Let’s plan to leave hospital | Me whakamahere i te wehenga i te hōhiperaHospital staff want you to leave feeling well informed and with answers to any questions you may have. This sheet will help.
Learning from adverse events annual reportsAnnual national summaries of adverse events reported to Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission.
Co-design in health: free e-learning courses available | He hoahoa-tahi: He kaupapa ako-i utu koreWe have developed a suite of free e-learning courses for co-design that are available to all health care professionals through Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health’s Learn Online platform.
Recommended International Non-proprietary Names (rINNs)International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) are the official generic names for pharmaceuticals as designated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Pou hihiri, Pou o te aroha | Healing and learning from harmPou hihiri, Pou o te aroha | Healing and learning from harm was developed by the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice and Stella Maris productions in consultation with several health sector and Māori partners, and funded by the Commission.