Displaying 31 - 35 of 35 results
New Zealand patient experience survey programme refresh 2019/20This document describes the process the Health Quality & Safety Commission (the Commission) and its contracted provider, Ipsos, undertook in 2019/20 to review and refresh the New Zealand patient experience survey programme.
Co-designing nudges: Phase two of raising the bar on the national adult inpatient experience surveyRaising the bar on the national patient experience survey responds to the adult national inpatient experience survey results by investigating the lower scoring areas of the survey and recommending interventions to improve these results.
Open Book: Dispensing errors: Learning from the national primary care patient experience survey (Jan 2019)This report alerts providers to key medication-related findings from the national primary care patient experience survey, and includes some recommendations for improvement.
Primary care patient experience survey: Foundation standard / Cornerstone accreditationA summary of the foundation standard / Cornerstone accreditation for general practices participating in the primary care patient experience survey.
Development of patient experience indicators for New ZealandKPMG has developed a report on the development of patient experience indicators for New Zealand for the Commission.