Displaying 1 - 10 of 49 results
Vital sign charts and early warning systems: A scoping literature reviewAdapt Research, on behalf of Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission has undertaken a scoping review of recent literature in 2024 to ensure the national adult and maternity vital signs charts remain aligned to best practice.
Paediatric early warning system (PEWS) preparation and implementation guideTe Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission has developed a national paediatric early warning system (PEWS) to help clinicians identify hospitalised tamariki with the potential to become more unwell, so they can respond quickly.
Paediatric vital sign chart (PVSC) quick reference guideThis guide gives quick ‘how to’ answers to commonly asked questions about completing the paediatric vital sign charts.
Guide to recording blood pressure in acutely unwell tamariki | He aratohu hei tuhi i te taukapa o te toto i te tamariki e māuiui anaThis guide covers the common questions raised by paediatric teams during the national rollout of the Aotearoa New Zealand paediatric early warning system about the routine measurement of blood pressure in acutely unwell children.
Patient tracer audit guide: patient deterioration systems | He aratohu tātari mō te whai tūroroThis guide is designed to help hospitals put in place a patient deterioration system and find ways to improve.
Evaluation report: Test of the national paediatric early warning system implementationThis document outlines an evaluation of the early implementation of the national paediatric early warning system (PEWS).
Presentations and videos from Patient deterioration New Zealand: current state and future developmentsPresentations and videos from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's two-day conference Patient deterioration New Zealand: current state and future developments.