Declaration of conflicts of interest
To assure that Te Tāhū Hauora can operate in an impartial manner in relation to the procurement of goods and services, it is necessary to ensure individuals declare that they have no conflicts of interest and that they will not misuse any knowledge or information they obtain while engaged by the Commission to give either themselves or their employers, agents or associates a financial advantage outside of the particular contract they have with Te Tāhū Hauora.
Situations likely to lead to a conflict of interest based on this definition are:
- employment, including secondary employment, with another organisation/s
- involvement in another business, including investments and property ownership
- other financial interests including beneficial interests in trusts
- professional or legal obligations owed to someone else
- holding office in, or being a member of another organisation
- affiliations with lobby groups
- family or close personal relationships
- political beliefs that compromise an employee’s ability to undertake a particular task or duty.